Information for dentists

Referring patients for specialised endodontic care

I value collaborative relationships with fellow dental professionals. I am here to support you and your patients by providing specialized endodontic services, including endodontic treatment, re-treatment and microsurgery. The experienced teams at the locations where I work are committed to delivering the highest standard of care and ensuring the best possible outcomes for your patients.

Referral process

Begin the referral process by reaching out to one of the practices where I work by email or post. Make sure you include the patient’s details and contact information, relevant medical history, reason for referral and any other relevant information.

Once we receive the referral, the practice will promptly reach out to the patient to schedule a consultation. Our team will ensure a convenient appointment that suits the patient’s schedule, and will answer any queries.

During the consultation, the patient will meet with me, for a comprehensive evaluation. I will discuss the treatment options, answer questions, and create a tailored plan for their endodontic needs. Treatment will be subsequently booked as required.

Following the initial consultation and at the end of the treatment process, detailed reports will be provided to the referring dentist. These reports outline the diagnosis, treatment plan, and any developments, ensuring clear communication and collaboration.

My referral process guarantee

Exceptional patient care

I promise to provide your referred patients with exceptional care from the moment they walk through our doors. My patient-centered approach ensures their comfort, thorough evaluations, and personalized treatment plans tailored to their unique needs.

Treatments Agreed Upon

I’ll only carry out treatments agreed upon with you beforehand. Your trust is important, and I pledge to maintain open communication regarding treatment plans. Your patients will receive the agreed-upon care, fostering confidence in our partnership.

Seemless communication

I promise clear and seamless communication throughout the referral process. From the initial referral to consultation and treatment updates, I’ll keep you informed every step of the way. My dedication to transparent communication ensures a strong collaborative partnership.

Full Treatment Plan with Estimated Fees

I’ll provide a full treatment plan with estimated fees before starting. Trust is paramount, and I am commited to providing your patients with a clear understanding of the proposed treatment and associated costs.

Clinical cases